Arkansas Support Network provides support and services to individuals with disabilities and their families. We are a licensed disabilities service provider for all of Arkansas, with offices in Springdale, Fort Smith, Camden, and Jonesboro. We work with a wide range of government agencies and departments, nonprofit organizations, health care facilities, education agencies, local schools, foundations, businesses, and individuals to provide the most effective and least restrictive supports for people with disabilities in environments they and their families choose for themselves.
Our programs serve people through all phases of their lives, from birth through adulthood. We assist people in finding the highest quality resources and supports appropriate to their needs, stage of life, and family make up.
We believe that our agency has a responsibility to the whole community. We have taken a leadership role in a number of community advocacy and policy-making positions which extend beyond those normally considered “disability” issues. Our board is committed to the concept of equal access to supports, services, and community resources for all citizens.
Arkansas Support Network, Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, incorporated in 1988. 


Our agency is monitored by the Arkansas Department of Human Services. We are licensed annually by the Division of Developmental Disabilities Services and the Division of Children and Family Services. In addition, our Supported Employment program and our other vocational programs are monitored by Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, a division of the Department of Education.


Arkansas Support Network is a Medicaid provider.  Additionally, we are supported by state & federal grants, private donations, event fundraising, planned giving and foundation grants.